Saturday, November 7, 2009


A person just requested that I review their product on my blog! It's SnapIt! It's a program like one that some Valero employees use to Print Screen, but with so many more uses. I will do my best to give a fair and unbiased review.

The bad news is that, as a casual web designer, I find it ridiculous that I would need to spend money on such a product. But the employees at my former work found it invaluable--absolutely essential to their jobs. For people with little programming or web experience, this tool is a godsend.

It's easy to get addicted to it. Once you start using it, you will be spoiled, quickly annoyed with NOT being able to simply drag your mouse over something to Print Screen it. In fact, I dont know why this capability wasn't included with Windows in the first place.

SnapIt definitely fills a user need. As a web programmer and graphic designer, if I were full-time I would find this an easy way to cut down time saving, cropping, and sending screenshots. It would definitely be something I would appreciate.

Find out more about SnapIt:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My face is too oily! truth. You try to remove facial oils, and you wind up getting more oily than before. It's not your imagination; you're skin has been removed of its lipids. [1]

The key? pH 4.5-5.5 gel cleanser with little to no natural oils. Waxes are also out of the question. They contain synthetic lipid agents. These are the evil annoyances that aggravate the oily skin.

Scared of dry skin? So you've used the cleanser, but now your skin is too dry! Natural toning lotions are a must for hydrating dry, oily skin. Your gel cleanser should have a light moisturizer too. Most cleansers use hydroxy acids. These acids are used as chemical peels in a doctor's office. Low concentrations of hydroxy acids are a must.

But how do you really make a difference? Use a cheap clay masque containing bentonite clay twice a week. A small amount of the ingredient also found in Clearasil will absorb ugh oil and impurities in the skin.

  • Neutrogena Deep Clean Gentle Scrub

Do it yourself! Try this facial scrub from Alison Kontur at
Bentonite Clay Facial Masque (Oily Skin)
  • 2 oz bentonite clay
  • 1 oz powdered chamomile flowers
  • 1/2 oz rose hip oil
  • 3 oz distilled water
  • 10 drops grapefruit essential oil
  • 5 drops geranium rose compound
  • 3 drops orange essential oil
Mix the first two ingredients to form the dry clay facial blend. Store clay blend in a 4 oz jar. Mix remaining ingredients to form the "wetting agent." Store in a separate 4 oz jar. To use, add about 1/2 oz of the clay blend to a small bowl, and mix with just enough wetting agent to make a paste.

Masque Instructions: Apply masque to the skin in a gentle circular motion. Relax until until dry, about 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. If the skin feels tight, a light oil such as rose hip or jojoba can be applied afterwards.
1. "The goal of treating oily skin is to remove excess surface sebum without complete removal of skin lipids.[1] Severe degreasing treatment can foster an actual worsening of sebum secretion, which defeats the aim of the cleansing." [Wikipedia]

2. Halaas YP: Medium depth peels. Facial Plas Surg Clin North Am 2004 Aug; 12(3):297-303

3. Bentonite clay...can also be used as a therapeutic face pack for the treatment of acne/oily skin. Clearasil, an acne cream, uses bentonite as an agent to absorb excess sebum, clearing pores. [Wikipedia]

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Teen Talk Barbie Surgery

March 02, 2006
Tracking snowclones is hard. Let's go shopping!

Posted by Benjamin Zimmer at March 2, 2006 03:42 PM

Posted from:

...around Christmastime of 1993 came word of a shadowy organization known as the Barbie Liberation Organization, dedicated to switching computer chips between Teen Talk Barbie and her gender-stereotype opposite, Talking Duke G.I. Joe. (More about the BLO here, though the page inaccurately dates its founding to 1989.) The New York Times detailed the BLO's activities in a Dec. 31, 1993 article:

Your son tears the wrapping paper off his fierce new "Talking Duke" G. I. Joe doll and eagerly presses the talk button. Out comes a painfully chirpy voice that sounds astonishingly like Barbie's saying, "Let's go shopping!"
Does your son:
A) Furiously vaporize the doll with his own phaser rifle?
B) Go shopping with Joe?
C) Say: "Mom, I suspect we're the lucky victims of an elaborate nationwide publicity stunt designed to ridicule sexual stereotyping in children's toys. This barbaric little action figure you gave me may turn out to be a valuable collector's item."
If the answer is C, your son may be a collector's item himself, for he has correctly divined the latest socially conscious news media prank to hit the nation's toy stores.
For the last several months, a group of performance artists based in the East Village of Manhattan has been buying Talking Dukes and "Teen Talk" Barbies, which cost $40 to $50 each, painstakingly swapping their voice boxes and then, with the aid of cohorts, replacing dolls on the shelves of toy stores in at least two states.
The group, which asserts it has surgically altered 300 dolls, says its aim is to startle the public into thinking about the Stone Age-world view that the dolls reflect.
The result is a mutant colony of Barbies-on-steroids who roar things like "Attack!" "Vengeance is mine!" and "Eat lead, Cobra!" The emasculated G. I. Joe's, meanwhile, twitter, "Will we ever have enough clothes?" and "Let's plan our dream wedding!"

Monday, August 25, 2008

Serotonin: Light Up My Life

How do you get your "fix"? Caffeine, carbs, smokes, booze? Wouldn't you like to get your "get-up-and-go" in a more natural, more permanent way? I certainly would. Bright light is one of the ways you can naturally and permanently achieve boosted serotonin levels.

In Scandinavia they have what you call light cafes, where they have learned that light not only boosts vitamin D, but serotonin levels. The movement has become so popular it has moved to the UK and other areas of Europe. Perhaps we will be seeing them in the US soon as well.

According to a study of healthy women with acute tryptophan depletion, bright light of 3000 lux can completely block the effects of lowered serotonin levels. Of course, establishing such a level of light in your home would be severely expensive. But positive results have also been show in exposing elderly women to 1000 lux of light for 1 hour a day in their homes. Participants reported several positive affects associated with higher serotonin levels after just a few days of exposure: improved mood, self-confidence, motivation, alertness, and sleeping habits.

Source: How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs, Effects of moderately bright light on subjective evaluations in healthy elderly women


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